Cat with rare skin condition is blessed with a new, happy life for him and his best friend

Toby is a six-year-old cat who has a rare condition that makes him look older than he actually is called feline cutaneous asthenia.

Toby’s condition makes his skin overly fragile and causes it to look loose and wrinkly. Humans can suffer from a similar condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

He had a hard time when he was brought to an RSPCA animal shelter, Love Meow reported. Toby had to have many of his teeth removed, and he was very afraid. Тhe shelter staff were also worried about finding the right kind of family for the special-needs cat.

And fortunately, Toby had a cat best friend called Quinton. Quinton acted as a big brother to him in the shelter, providing him with protection and comfort.

And this is how a kind lady named Georgina Price met the two special cats.

Price was browsing the RSPCA site, searching for cats for adoption when she came across Toby and Quinton.

“I saw them on the RSPCA website and fell in love instantly,” she told Love Meow. “When we met them, they were both terrified and huddled right at the back. Toby just hid behind Quinton the whole time, trembling. I didn’t even get to touch him because he was just so scared.”

The biggest question was if Toby would be separated from his best buddy Quinton. The shelter believed it would be best if the two were adopted together, to which Price agreed. Her heart melted for these two cats who had gone through so much, and she was set to make sure the remaining years of their lives were to be filled with comfort and happiness.

“We’ll always take care of them and give them all of the love and security that they need,” Price said.

She put down her signature and made both Toby and Quinton the newest members of her family. In the beginning, both animals were uneasy in the new environment. They were hiding during the day and did not come out unless the house owners were not at home. In fact, Price even had to feed them under the bed.

“Eventually, they began to trust us but it was slow,” she told Love Meow.

Given the necessary time to adapt, both cats eventually began coming out of their protective shells. Quinton started looking around the house a little more, and Toby soon followed his lead.

“Toby is such a sweet boy and just goes along with whatever Quinton wants,” Price said.

With a good amount of patience and loving care, Toby started feeling at home in his new surroundings. He also discovered the magic of cuddling! He loves being stroked and playing with shoelaces and bouncy balls.

Quinton remains an amazing big brother to Toby, playing with him and helping him groom.

This happy ending shows the importance of openness in our hearts for animals with special needs. Animals need love and homes filled with care, and they will, in turn, love you tenfold if given the opportunity.

Have a sneak look at the life of Toby and Quinton in the video below. 

You can get updates on Toby and Quinton’s lives through their Facebook and Instagram pages.

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