An “Extraordinary” Boy Born With 2% of Brain, Recovered The Bigger Part Of It By The Age Of Three

Although doctors predicted he wouldn’t live long, he proved them wrong by having his brain growing back to 80% of its average size.

Shelley and Rob Wall who are the boy’s parents were strongly advised to end the pregnancy.

The reason was that doctors discovered the child would be severy disabled. Some doctors said the baby hadn’t developed any brain. And others claimed his brain was squashed in a tiny niche of the skull. Medics also diagnosed him with spina bifida, which reduced his chances of survival even more.

But Rob and Shelley decided to have the child despite all predictions for a fatal ending of his life.

Surprisingly, by the time the boy, whose name’s Noah, became three years old, his brain had developed to 80 % of the typical size for his age. In fact, this might have something to do with the fact that after the boy was born doctors placed a shunt in his skull. They wanted to drain the excess liquid and reduce the pressure on his brain tissue.

Noah, now six years old, and his parents appeared on Good Morning Britain. They talked in public about the miracle of having Noah’s brain growing back.

His father Rob said for The Sun:

Even if his brain had been so squashed up, he’d be severely mentally disabled because of all that damage and look at him – he’s as bright as a button.

His parents also discussed the choice they’ve made not to terminate the pregnancy. Rob explained that:

I think possibly if younger people were offered that choice, they might have felt pressured into taking it.

Because we’re older parents, we know our minds, and we’re confident people. We wanted to give Noah the chance of life.

Doctors thought that Noah would be completely mentally impaired.

According to them, he would never be able to carry out the activities necessary for his physical survival. But this little hero proved them all wrong as he is fully capable of talking, seeing, hearing and eating. Although he’s still learning to walk (which is difficult due to the fact he has Spina Bifida), he’s tried surfing and wants to learn skiing, too.

The boy’s parents put all their efforts to support their son’s development. They even visited a radical brain training center in Australia. There, Noah mastered how to sit up unaided and tried surfing.

At the center in Australia, he’s undergone a treatment called ‘neurophysics,’ which combines physiotherapy with cognitive activities.

Here’s how his father described it:

It’s all to do with the brain’s ability to heal or correct the body’s nervous system.

Doctors in the UK call Noah extraordinary.

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