10 of the best viral parenting stories of the past 10 years

Parenting is one of the most emotional and craziest adventures in our lives.

Indeed, some parents really make the best of it! And we’re lucky enough they catch their most touching moments on camera.

These 10 viral stories from the last decade of parents who go to infinity and beyond for their children, will surely melt your heart, and maybe make you shed a tear or two.

2019: A college student brought his baby to class, and his professor held her so that he could take notes.

A student at Morehouse College couldn’t find a last-minute babysitter and brought his baby with him in class. Wayne Hayer was forced to take his daughter to class because there was no one else who could babysit her. His professor did something amazing!

Nathan Alexander, the professor, saw Wayne struggling with his baby. Instead of sending him home, he stepped up to help. In the viral photo, we can see how the teacher strapped Wayne’s five-month-old baby daughter, Assata, to his chest, and taught the class as usual so that Hayer could take notes.

As Nathan Alexander shares with The Washington Post:

“I want to be a model of that, and I think Wayne is a model of that.”

2018: The Zezulka’s family fulfilled their foster daughter’s dreams by adopting her, her brother, and her sister.

This was a truly emotional experience for the whole family. Paige and Daniel Zezulka gave to their foster daughter Ivey the best birthday present she could ever wish for.

After Ivey opened the other presents, her foster parents gave her one last box to unwrap. The box had a special message for the little girl. After more than three years in foster care, Paige and Daniel were officially adopting her along with her brother and her sister. The birthday girl was so happy she burst into tears.

They posted a video of Ivey’s reaction, and it quickly went viral. In the video Daniel says to Ivey:

“We love you, sweetheart. We’ll always be your parents.”

This will be my favorite video I ever share. This was the day we told our daughter that we were going to be able to adopt her (and her brother and sister)! She had been praying to be adopted and we found out on her birthday that it was going to happen! So the next day we gave her this surprise box! God's timing was perfect!Our kids spent 1,128 days in foster care, over 3 years. It is so hard on children to live in such uncertainty. Adoption is amazing and we want others to know that adopting older children and sibling groups can be the most beautiful adventure you could ever have! (I do not give permission for anyone to use this video for their own page, website etc. if people want to re-share this original post that is ok.)

Posted by Paige Zezulka on Friday, August 24, 2018

2017: This father gave his daughter a genuine and motivational speech about dealing with anger.

The little girl told her daddy that she didn’t like the way he was joking with her. Then, Randy Gaines decided to sit his daughter down and tell her how she could manage her anger. He gave her an impassionate and authentic speech, in which he tried to help her figure out how to deal with her anger.

Randy’s wife Deceena secretly recorded his motivational speech. There he says to his young daughter:

“It’s OK to feel this way. You can be mad at me, you can be mad at mommy or your sister, you can be mad at yourself. Just don’t hang on to it for too long, ’cause that’s when it gets to be a problem.”

2016: A loving father got a tattoo to match his son’s cancer surgery scar.

Josh Marshall didn’t want his son to deal alone with the scars of his anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare type of brain tumor. That’s why after little Gabriel’s surgery, Josh got a tattoo on his head, on the same place where his son’s surgical scar was.

The loving father posted a touching photo of the two together. Sadly, Gabriel lost his battle in 2018, at the young age of 9. However, his father continues to advocate for families with children fighting cancer.

Posted by Josh J-Mash Marshall on Monday, June 20, 2016

2015: Adorable toddler sang the ‘Star Wars’ theme melody in her baby crib.

Jonathan H. Liu had the most amazing moment a geek daddy could ever dream of. He heard his little daughter sing the “Imperial March” of the ‘Star Wars’ saga, while she was in her crib.

Lui explained on his blog that his baby daughter had caught parts of the movies while he had watched them with his older children. Clearly, she retained more than he’d expected. He wrote:

“Yes, the Force is strong with this one. But she seems to be leaning toward the dark side.”

2014: The family of a five-year-old girl helped her distribute bags of essentials to the homeless.

Just like most parents, Akeem and Lakeysia Newson wanted to make compassion their child’s top priority. Five-year-old Jayla was indeed a compassionate and loving kid. When she noticed the plight of her local homeless community, she set out to make bags full of essentials to help the less fortunate.

Little Jayla shared with Today:

“I make bags for the less fortunate people.”

The empathetic child was filling the bags with everything, from soap to food. What’s more, she also created the program ‘Jayla’s Little Helping Hands’. There she provides totes full of necessities to homeless people living on the street and to shelters in her community.

2013: A ten-month-old baby was crying out of joy while listening to her mom singing.

Amanda Leroux found out that her beautiful voice was making her own baby weep joyous tears. Her baby daughter Mary-Lynne loved Amanda’s voice while she was singing Rod Stewart’s “My Heart Can’t Tell You No”.  The mommy took a video of her baby’s reaction to her angelic voice.

2012: A brave father carried his disabled daughter across a triathlon finish line.

Team Maddy posted a heartwarming photo of Van Beek carrying his then-13-year-old daughter with disabilities Maddy across a triathlon finish line.

Writing about his selfless deed, Van explains:

“Without saying a word, Maddy has saved my life. Maddy is the reason I ‘tri’. She is my heart and determination, and I am her means to get there. TOGETHER, we make a great team.”

2011: Baby twins were captured on camera while talking to one another.

The ten-month-old twin brothers Sam and Ren Randall proved that twins have a remarkable ability to communicate with each other. They were caught on camera, talking to each other, and apparently understanding every part of their conversation.

In the video, the two toddlers are not only talking to one another with a baby language but they are also expressing themselves with over-the-top gestures and poses and cracking one another up as their dad looks on, capturing their amusing conversation.

2010: Single dad sings the beautiful song “Home” with his little daughter.

Acoustic music and lots of love. That’s what we can see from the video the single dad Jorge Navarez posted of him and his daughter singing. Jorge and his baby daughter, Alexa, sang the heartwarming song “Home” by  Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros.

Since then, 10 years ago, the video has been viewed over 31 million times. What’s even more adorable is that the father-daughter duo sang the song again in 2019, and it’s melting our hearts.

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