A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself

“It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us.” – Epicurus (341 – 270 BC)

When you don’ t love yourself, you spend too much time and energy seeking validation from others.

You think this will make you happier but it, in reality, it will only bring you down. Happiness will come naturally to those who are patient enough.

The bad moments in life are bound to happen to all of us, but at the end of the day, you can count on your best friend to have your back.

We all go through these stages; you lose your job, your heart gets broken, you’re stressed, you think you’re doing the right thing in the moment but then it backfires on you. We seem to live in a world where such moments keep you from appreciating and loving yourself (which is necessary for you to function properly).

During these times you can find yourself becoming meanspirited, but there is always one person who never fails to love you and show you the right path: your best friend.

When you lost that job…

…She helped you understand and find your true passion.

When you did not get that guy you liked so much…

…She made you realize what a loser he was in the first place.

When the “cool group” denied your membership…

…She was there to remind you that you two were way cooler than all of them combined.

When your appearance was an obsession…

…She was there to tell you the Chipotle run was totally worth it and that image does not define beauty.

When you made a mistake and your conscience was tearing you apart…

…She reminded you that you’re only human, and as humans we sometimes make mistakes.

When you felt like falling down…

…She was there to motivate you to stay on your feet and press on.

When you exchanged what you loved for what was “cool”…

…She didn’t judge who you’ve become but reminded you of who you truly are.

When you had a bit too much to drink and felt like a total idiot…

…She reminded you of 50 people who were more embarrassing to watch than you the previous night.

When you did not treat your body with the respect it deserves…

…She bought you ice cream and reminded you that you’re still the sexiest girl she knows.

When you felt truly alone…

…You suddenly remembered that’s not possible when you have a friend like her by your side.

Can you relate to this list? Tag your best friend and see what she thinks.

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