Few weeks ago I turned on my TV for the first time in months. It was dusty, I realized it’s been unplugged from the socket for over 6 months.After changing some channels I saw a show with little kids getting dressed up and putting make up on for some sort of beauty pageant…I was shocked, what is wrong with our society? Am I the only one who thinks that every child is beautiful and should play outside instead of being upset for not winning beauty contests with cash prizes? I could not stop thinking about that and then while scrolling trough my Facebook’s news feed I found that they have just issued a ban on this type pageants in France…I salute you, France!
Under the measure, an amendment to a law on women’s rights, beauty pageant organizers could face
up to two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 EUR ($40,000).”Let’s not let our children think from such a young age that they will be judged according to their appearance. Let’s not let commercial interest impact on social interest,” says Senator Chantal Jouanno.The French, not known for being prudes, have drawn the line at sexualizing children. When in 2010 Vogue published photos of a little girl with heavy make up, wearing heels, tight clothes, expensive jewelry, with a provocative look, France was outraged. Vogue’s spokesman was trying to persuade the severely angered public that they only wanted to portray young girls’ fantasies of being like their mothers, but nobody really bought it. Especially Jouanno, who’s been trying to ban the wicked contests since early 2011.
“It is extremely destructive for a girl between the ages of 6 and 12 to hear her mother say that what’s important for her is to be beautiful,” Jouanno said for New York TimesPoliticians all over the world should consider making this step. Shows like “Toddlers With Tiaras” or “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” are wicked. Kids need to be taught the importance of intelligence, self-esteem, and internal beauty…not beauty, based solely on false eyelashes, princess dresses and high-heeled shoes. My sincere hope is that France started it and many more countries will follow.Not all pageants are bad, let’s highlight the ones that glorify eternal virtues that will not fade away with age…virtues that will build up our society instead of destroying it.