‘No, ma’am… I don’t want your money’: Armed pharmacy robber shows mercy to elderly customer – gives her a kiss instead

During an armed robbery in a Brazilian pharmacy, an elderly woman offered to give her money to the criminal.

Instead of taking her money, the robber told her he didn’t need it and kissed her forehead.

The act was captured on a security camera inside the pharmacy. It clearly showed how the suspect was talking to the woman, while his partner was robbing the store employee. This happened on Tuesday afternoon, in Amarante, northeast Brazil.

Image credit: About Everything / YouTube

The old woman wasn’t scared of the criminal. She faced him and told him that she wants to give him her own money as well. The armed robber tried to calm her by tapping her shoulder. Rather than taking her money, he gave her a forehead kiss and continued with his illegal act.

Image credit: About Everything / YouTube

Samuel Almeida, the pharmacy owner, told the Brazilian outlet G1 that the men entered the store and asked his employer to give them all the money from the casher.

The owner explained that the woman then approached one of the robbers. She insisted for him to take her money.

Instead of doing so, he kissed her and said:

“No, ma’am, you can be quiet, I don’t want your .”

Then the criminals escaped the store with $240 cash and other goods. Military police officers searched the area but for now, the robbers remain at-large.

What this person did was wrong and illegal, but he still paid respect to the elderly woman and didn’t take her money. This story is a reminder that even in times when we have reached rock bottom, we can still show some kindness and humanity.

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