10+ great ‘anxiety-free’ news from this year to cheer you up in times of isolation

In the last few weeks, we are constantly attacked with hair-raising, horrific headlines.

They often give us the feeling that the whole world is slowly falling apart.

People are going madly worried about every new shocking title that comes out.

Undoubtedly, reporting important issues is necessary for people to be aware of what’s happening in the world. However, we should never forget we need a healthy amount of good news too. There is so much goodness around us that we have no idea about. We need to change that.

Luckily, there are still many thoughtful people that deeply understand the significance of good news in these crazy times.

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The Zero Carbon bill aims to tackle climate change by setting a net-zero target for almost all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Zero Carbon bill aims to tackle climate change by setting a net-zero target for almost all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Prime minister Jacinda Ardern said she sometimes despairs at the pace at which other countries are making changes to fight global warming and vowed that New Zealand would be a leader. The New Zealand government has also promised to plant a billion trees over 10 years and ensure the electricity grid runs entirely from renewable energy by 2035. Source: Independent (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #newzeland #zeroemissions #zerocarbon #co2 #climatechange #globalwarming

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Mauro Gatti, the creator of The Happy Broadcast, is not a journalist or an influencer, but he sure knows how to tell positive news. In his official page, Mauro shares:

“I want to create something positive as an anti-venom to the vitriolic rhetoric that pervades our media. That’s why I illustrate and share positive news from around the world in the hope that it brings you some happiness and inspires you to spread some good news yourself!”

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It’s Christmas time and here’s a lovely story for you all 🎅 🌲 🐘 . Berlin’s unwanted Christmas trees have ended their days as a festive snack for zoo elephants and stocking fillers for some of their fellow residents at Tierpark Berlin Friedrichsfelde. The zoo takes only fresh, unsold trees from selected vendors. It doesn’t accept trees from the public, which could contain chemicals or leftover decorations. The elephants eat the trees themselves. Monkeys are presented with trees decorated with vegetables, and tigers get meat decorations. Source: Star Advertiser (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #berlin #germany #animals #elephant #food #christmas #sustainability #recycling

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The Happy Broadcast aims to share ‘anxiety-free’ news and spread positivity amongst people. Through his colorful illustrations, Mauro displays the wonderful pieces of news that not always make it to the hottest headlines.

Did you know that a man in Florida has been donating blood since 1976, and so far he has saved more than 800 lives?

How amazing is that?! Thanks to The Happy Broadcast, now you know!

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We need to realize and get inspired by how a single person's action can help to make a difference. Since 1976, 73-year-old James Michelini has donated blood and platelets every second Wednesday. After 43 years, he has made his initial target of 10 gallons ten times. Every pint of donated platelets can save the life of one person, while every pint of blood has the possibility of saving up to three people. This amounts to more than 800 people’s lives saved with the 100 gallons Michelini has donated. Source: Idaho Reporter (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #florida #blood #blooddonation #oneblood #generosity #commitment

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How do you feel about deforestation? Norway is the first country to officially ban it, setting a wonderful example for other countries to adopt similar policies.

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The Norwegian government made a pledge back in 2014, at the UN Climate Summit in New York, that they would “promote national commitments that encourage deforestation-free supply chains, including through public procurement policies to sustainably source commodities such as palm oil, soy, beef and timber. “⁣ ⁣ Norway has become the first country in the world to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged that the government’s public procurement policy will be deforestation-free. By becoming the first country in the world to make such a large-scale move against deforestation, Norway is setting an example for other countries to consider similar policies. Source: Intelligent Living (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #norway #forest #deforestation #law #climatechange #nature #trees

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Amongst the great news Mauro is sharing to the world, is the one about Diego. He is a 100-old giant tortoise that has fathered hundreds of baby tortoises, which saved his species from extinction.

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Diego was among 14 tortoises (there were only two males and 12 females of Diego's species alive) selected to take part in a breeding programme on Santa Cruz Island. The programme has been a success, producing more than 2,000 giant tortoises since it began in the 1960s. Diego's sex drive was said to be one of the main reasons. The 100-year-old tortoise has fathered hundreds of progeny, around 800 by some estimates. He will join a 1,800-strong tortoise population, at least 40% of which park rangers believe he has fathered. The Galápagos Islands, 906km (563 miles) west of continental Ecuador, are a Unesco World Heritage site renowned worldwide for their unique array of plants and wildlife. Source: BBC (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #turtle #tortoise #galapagos #GalápagosIslands #breeding #gianttortoise #evolution

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The happy news ambassador shares with Bored Panda:

“When I’m working on The Happy Broadcast, I try to pick news that has an international appeal and touches themes like animal rights, climate change and science. News that shows how much we’re progressing on many fronts despite being often bombarded with few-mongering headlines.” 

Here’s something for the cactus lovers too.

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With the purpose of creating an alternative to animal leather, Adrián López Velarde and Marte Cázarez, both hailing from Mexico, developed vegan leather made with nopal (a cactus), which they successfully showcased in the last edition of the International Leather Fair Lineapelle in Milan, Italy. After finishing university, they found themselves growing more and more concerned about the environment and the treatment of animals, and as a result decided to come together, after years of friendship, to create a cruelty-free alternative to animal leather. The product is a great replacement for both animal and synthetic leather. It’s breathable and durable, the touch and feel is very similar to leather, and again, it’s a completely sustainable material. It’s also less water intensive, free from phthalates, free from toxic chemicals as well as PVC-free. Art by our talented friend Cecile Dormeau @cecile.dormeau . Source: Hola! (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #mexico #vegan #veganleather #leather #cactus #nopal #sustainability #crueltyfree

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Mauro firmly believes that we should always seek a balance between negative and positive news.

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The city of Amsterdam is taking over the debts of its young adults as part of a drive to liberate people who are struggling to get into work or education. Under the city’s trial project, a municipal credit bank will negotiate with creditors to buy out the debts. Basically more of the debt could be canceled or bought out by the bank if the person receiving the loan seeks employment or a course of education. Each person on the scheme will be given a coach with whom they will prepare a “guidance plan”. The city believes that young people with unstable incomes often find it near-impossible to restructure their finances and make the necessary repayments. Source: The Guardian (link in bio) #goodnews #netherlands #amsterdam # #nodebt #students #climatechange #positivity

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He has an interesting theory that people respond quicker to negativeness or dangerous situations. Sadly, nowadays a great amount of the news we hear on tv or read in the newspapers is triggering these quick responses.

But hey, did you know that a Brazilian couple planted 2.7 million trees for only two decades and restored completely a whore forest?

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A couple of people can literally make a whole forest of a difference! That’s what renowned Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado have proven. With the help of many, they planted 2.7 million trees over the span of two decades, completely restoring an entire forest that had been wiped out by deforestation. Upon returning to his homeland, Sebastião found all the trees cut down and the wildlife gone rather than the tropical paradise that he remembered as a child. Then his wife came up with the brilliant idea of replanting the forest. To make their dream come true, Salgado and his family recruited partners, raised funds and, in April 1998, they founded the Instituto Terra. Since then, they have completely transformed the environment back into its original condition, thriving with fauna and wildlife! Just imagine, if in just 20 years, two people can create a 1502-acre forest, then if everyone comes together to protect the environment, how much can be done. Art by the super talented Italian artist @emilianoponzi . Source: Intelligent Living ( link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #brasil #amazon #rainforest #trees #wildlife #reforestation

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The creator of The Happy Broadcast shares that in his opinion, a potential solution would be limiting the bad news, while adding more positive news to our “news diet”. 

He believes we must invest time to deal with misinformation and fake news that are only making us more anxious and stressed. He is definitely one of the people who can’t stand hearing bad news only.

“I’m honestly fed up with all the bad news.”

The news Mauro shares include ecology, culture, art, and science.

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If you take public transport, cycle or walk in Vienna, you stand to gain more than fresh air and exercise, with the city unveiling an app to reward car-free travel with free concert and museum tickets. The app works through a tracking system that recognises the mode of transport used and calculates the CO2 savings in comparison to taking a car. Users get one token as soon as they have saved 20 kilogrammes of CO2 and the tokens can be exchanged for free tickets at four participating cultural institutions. The Vienna Museum of the city's history, an art exhibition space, a theatre and a classical concert venue are taking part. Source: The Local (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #vienna #austria #nocar #climatechange #bike #sustainability #free #concert

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Of course, he also keeps his followers aware of the current coronavirus epidemic situation. 

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While the coronavirus is alarming, the rate of infection in China has slowed down with a fall in the number of new cases. The slowdown in contagion is mostly evident outside the Hubei province (the epicentre of the crisis).⁣ ⁣ The WHO has stated that the Covid-19 causes only mild disease in 80 percent of the people infected and has impacted older people more severely. “It appears that Covid-19 is not as deadly as other coronaviruses, including Sars and Mers,” said the WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros also said: “More than 80% of patients have mild disease and will recover”.
As of now of the 20,809 cases which had an outcome, 89% of the patients have recovered. Source: WHO (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #goodnews #positivenews #china #coronavirus #medicine #virus #science

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According to the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, your pets are NOT at risk. "A dog can be a fomite like anything else. A fomite is any object that has contamination on it. A dog toy or cat toy may have disease on it, but it does not mean the animal is the carrier for that particular thing." For that reason, it is always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets. Unfortunately, according to Chinese animal rescue groups, there's been an increase in abandoned pets since the outbreak. But several global health organisations are saying there is no justification in taking measures against companion animals which may compromise their welfare. Source: CBS8/WHO (link in bio) #positivenews #science #pet #cats #dogs #infection #WHO #COVID19 #coronavirus #disease

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And he gives amazing advice on how to deal with anxiety triggered by today’s difficult times. One of his great pieces of advice says “Limit news intake”.

Hopefully, many people will take Mauro’s advice, and will add a bit more positivity to their “news diet”.

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