
Let’s face it, advertising is considered to be pretty lame.

But the truth is, we need it to survive!

This website receives millions of clicks, which makes the cost of hosting all of the amazing content here pretty expensive. We also pay all of our writers and employees a fair wage for the work they do which also adds up. This website is free to readers, meaning you will not experience a soft paywall or be asked to give us money to read our articles.

Advertising is a core part of I Heart Intelligence’s business. Our website is supported by the ads we and others display. We also provide a variety of online advertising services to other companies that want to place ads. I Heart Intelligence serves display ads, also known as graphical ads, which appear as images, animation, or vides, as well as text ads that appear as text links.

We serve Facebook’s approved Instant Articles advertisements, Revcontent, Google Adsense, and the occasional third party banner ad from well vetted, reputable sources.

If you are interested in advertising to IHeartIntelligence’s sizeable audience, please see the details below…

January 2019 Stats

  • 3 000 000 unique visitors
  • 4 000 000 page views
  • 60% US visitors

Alexa Rank:

  • Global: 30 000
  • US: 8 000

Social Media Followers

These numbers will continue to grow rapidly every MONTH.

If you want to discuss advertising and custom solutions, please contact us at

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