4-Year-Old Girl Sings ‘You Are My Sunshine’ To Her Cat As He Passes Away

The love human beings have for their pets runs deep.

And when it is time for us to say goodbye to them, that love offers us comfort. At just 4 years of age, Abby Merryn already understood this when she had to say goodbye to Bailey, her loving cat.

Even though she was just a little child, Abby already had a life filled with warm memories thanks to Bailey.

She would often read and sing to the ginger cat and Bailey loved these precious moments. Undeniably, Bailey felt true love for his family.

But when Bailey became 14-years-old, his kidneys stopped functioning properly, which meant that he would soon leave this world to ascend into the heavens.

In his final moments, the loving cat was held by Abby while she sang “You Are My Sunshine” to him.

Erin, Abby’s mother, filmed the heartwarming moment and shared it on the web. 

And only a few hours after Abby sang Bailey’s final song, he passed away.

The whole family was heartbroken.

Erin’s Instagram post read:

“He was one in a million who allowed two little girls to give him baths, feed him in high chairs, push him strollers, dress him up, put fake makeup on him, rock him in cradles, sit at a table while they fed him plastic food, sleep with them at nap time and bedtime, among many other things.”

And Bailey proved that he was a truly special cat, leaving a big heart mark on every soul he got in contact with.

Even though he is no longer with us, he lives on in the hearts of his loved ones.

And Bailey’s family loves sharing their memories with him online. 

After Bailey’s passing, people from all over the world sent their condolences and wished the family all the best.

Many of his fans even sent orange cat plush toys to comfort the children in the family. 

Ever since they lost Bailey, the family has opened their arms for a new wonderful cat named Carrot, who loves playing with Abby and all her toys that were sent in memory of Bailey.

Rest In Peace sweet Bailey.

See the touching moment of Bailey’s final song in the video below.

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