30 things we wish we knew before hitting 30

Maybe you’ll find something here that will push you to change your life even in a small way.

Here are 30 things most people wish they knew before the hit 30.

1. The finishing line of a relationship does not necessarily have to be someone’s fault or a rejection of you. Often it is simply the end of an experience that was not suited for you. In fact, that is always the case.

2. None of us are perfect, but some people really do the best with the tools life has given them and are doing a pretty good job of becoming someone. Those people tend to enjoy their lives a bit more than others.

3. The difference between being head over heels in love and simply crazy is one of you letting go. If a person is still captive in their love for you, show them compassion, and offer kindness. Good character does not merely change by being given a title. On the other hand, clinging onto an indifferent hand is not going to warm the heart of anyone. There are ways to recover that don’t involve embarrassing and demeaning yourself. Take the time you need to find them.

4. Your current lifestyle can directly cause and or prevent a heart attack tomorrow.

5. Intense passion is not everlasting (in most cases). Strong heat normally burns brightly but leaves ashes behind.

6. Intelligence is sexy, and anyone worth sleeping with will be deeply turned on by your mind.

7. A few youthful traits could come over as charming, but immaturity is an immense turn-off

8. Many of us live under the false impression that time heals everything. Especially the wounds we ourselves have inflicted upon others.

9. None of us exist to be molded into something we don’t feel like becoming. Save your strength and invest it in what truly makes you feel happy and give others a chance to be accepted as they are.

10. Beware of the dangers of spending too much time thinking about the inevitable passing of time.

11. An envious friend is more toxic than an obvious enemy.

12. One of the best presents you can give to yourself and others is accountability.

13. Time is precious, so spend it wisely. This holds merit even when spending too much time in the confines of your own mind.

14. The people who truly care about you will be there for you when you need it and refuse to when you do not.

15. The most efficient way to motivate yourself is to repeat, “You’re better than that” and then prove it.

16. Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true (for you).

17. A person should not just “show” confidence. They should work hard to become confident.

18. The love of your life should be a combination of all the love you have received from others.

19. Some people are just not for you. Trying to get towards changing that won’t work.

20. You aren’t and you don’t have to be perfect. No one is perfect even if they seem to be at first sight.

21. Suffering is an inseparable part of life. Being a victim and not fighting towards changing that will lead to an unhappy life.

22. We all have our own problems. Sorting them out one by one will help you lead a better life.

23. Messaging a person is not “making a real effort” and it is definitely not an efficient strategy to build relationships.

24. Everyone lies but we lie to ourselves the most.

25. Living a life that inspires others through your deeds is far more fulfilling and worthy of respect than desperately fishing for likes on social media.

26. “I don’t give a damn” is a perfect way to silence critics, especially the ones in your head.

27. Be mindful of your audience, take a deep breath and then say the things you mean to say in a way you wouldn’t mind to be printed.

28. We all share this world, but we travel alone. This means that you are the only person responsible for the way your life will turn out.

29. A partner should contribute to a partnership. If they do not, they should be taken off of sharing the fruits of labor with you.

30. The fresh start you have been waiting for for so long is here. Do not miss it.

What do you wish you knew before you turned 30?

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