A shocking 22% of men admit to not changing their underwear every day – and before ladies start getting too judgemental, it turns out women don’t fall far behind with 18% of them confessing to re-wearing their panties.
One in 20 guys admitted to reusing their undies more than 5 times before putting them in the laundry – for females this figure is 7%.
The research, by OnBuy, questioned 2,790 men and women to learn more about their hygiene habits, and what came out made for an intriguing read.
Why? This is gross. 22% of men don't change their underwear daily – here's why that's dangerous https://t.co/RwIHho0rFL
— Dr Jo Beswick (@DrJoBeswick) October 10, 2020
Of the people who admitted to wearing the same undies every day, 76% of men and 69% of women said they turn them inside out for a ‘cleaner feel’.
The research also found that 13% of males and 4% of females keep wearing their old underpants for more than 3 years to save money, while 40% of males and 55% of females replace them each year.
So 22% of men don't change their underwear daily….are we going to talk about this? pic.twitter.com/VwddJ3nwvW
— JayBird (@LycanEclipse) October 10, 2020
Ivan Ivanov from EOT Cleaning recommends washing your underpants regularly, saying:
“To upkeep personal hygiene, the majority of items in your wardrobe should be washed after each wear; especially if exercise, strenuous activity or hot weather was involved.”
He also recommends using antibacterial sanitizer to kill off any germs. The best temperature for washing would be between 40 and 60 Celsius, bot some antibacterial laundry sanitizers can also do good work at lower temperatures.
In an interview with Metro regarding the risks of not changing your underwear every day, Dr. Nicola Cosgrove, skincare expert at Natura Emporium said:
“Underwear in a way acts as a barrier to protect our clothes, as it’s easier to wash our underwear regularly then our clothes.
“By not changing your underwear every day you will start to have an accumulation of bacteria like Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus and many others that are perfectly normal and useful when they remain at their required levels.
“However, because they thrive in a warm and humid environment, they will start to multiply out of control. The effects of these can be as simple as a bad odour, a rash, excess itching, to full on yeast infections, urinary tract infections and potentially life-threatening staph infections.”
What are your thoughts on this worrying finding? Let us know by joining the conversation in the comments and please share this article if you’ve found it informative.