20+ of the funniest tattoo spelling mistakes

Getting a tattoo is on most adventurous people’s bucket lists. Unquestionably, having something that will stay with you forever no matter what is an extraordinary experience. But, unfortunately for those who want to get their favorite quote inked on their skin, there is no autocorrect for tattoos. So, naturally, mistakes happen, especially if spelling is not amongst the tattoo artist’s skills.

Here are 20+ of the most hilarious tattoo grammar & spelling fails:

1. Maybe it was supposed to say “No pain no gain.” Maybe this person takes pens quite seriously. 

Credits: Inked

2. The difference between “you’re” and “your” appears to be a problem for tattoo artists as well. 

As Ross from Friends once emphasized: “Y-O-U-apostrophe -R -E means ‘You are’ And Y-O-U-R means ‘Your’!”

3. The same goes for “then” and “than.”

Credits: Thought Nova

4. Getting a tattoo is certainly a serious “dicision.” 

Credits: Inked

5. Who cares about grammar when you have a positive mindset. 

Credits: Inked

6. Too busy to add an “o” after “to” to make the quote make sense. 

7. When you decide to eternize your love for your mother on your skin, please make sure you have the right angle. 

Credits: Thought Nova

8. Regret nothing. Not even a misspelled tattoo. 

Credits: TNI Press

9. This quote is truly powerful.

Credits: Inked

10. When you want to hop, but you live in a hopless world… 

11. You might need an extra finger to fix this tattoo. 

Credits: TNI Press

12. Stay strong. 

Credits: Thought Nova

13. Practicing greatitude.

Credits: Inked

14. Blessed are those who believe. 

15. Apparently not everything shall pass. 

Credits: Thought Nova

16. To give up or to not give up. That is the question. 

Credits: TNI Press

17. This tattoo certainly falls into the “tragedy” category. 

Credits: London Media

18. On a journey to happiness. 

19. Not sure if this error was intentional or not. 

Credits: Thought Nova

20. At least “your” is correct here. 

Credits: Inked

21. There is no spelling mistake here. Just a meaningful infinity tattoo. 

What would you do if you had a spelling or a grammar mistake in your tattoo? Leave a comment to let us know! 

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