At the end of winter, most people tend to become more and more excited for the upcoming fresh season.
Spring is all about positive transformation. But the trees aren’t the only things that are blooming.
The refreshing change can be witnessed in most people’s moods, face expressions and behavior, too. Here is a short list of other exciting stuff that happen with the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
1. Nature gets colorful
No matter if you live in a big city or the countryside, you get an amazing feeling of refreshment when you start noticing how the trees start blooming, the flowers start growing and everything becomes greener and greener. Nature is reborn.
2. You can sense the happy vibes all around you
The first time when the forecast is promising sunny days, you get the feelings of relief and excitement. Just as most people do. And anywhere you go, you can feel the positivity in the air.
3. The days are longer
No more finishing work in dark late afternoons. Plus, the more sunlight there is, the more energetic people become.
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4. The songs of the birds
Isn’t it lovely to wake up in the morning, make yourself some coffee or tea, and listen to the calming songs of the spring birds in the trees?
5. You can take your bicycle out
The nice weather motivates you to become more active. Taking your bike for a spin for the first time this year is one of the best feelings!
6. You start making plans for the summer
As soon as the days start getting brighter and warmer, you start dreaming of exotic places you want to visit, forests you want to be wandering in, and mountains you want to be exploring. Basically, you start dreaming of your perfect summer vacation.
7. Open windows
It is always great to open the windows and let some fresh air in your house. It refreshes the rooms perfectly.
8. Camping
Going in the woods with friends, watching the campfire, sharing interesting stories, stargazing… Camping is always fun with a good company.
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9. People become gentler
You must have noticed it, too, that when the days start getting sunnier and warmer, people become like that, too. This can be noticed especially in the first days of spring.
10. No more hundred layer clothing
After several months of chilly weather the voluminous warm clothes and all the layers start getting on your nerves, and you can’t wait for the spring to come when significantly less clothing will be needed.
11. The holidays
Spring brings with itself long weekends, too. And holidays like Easter are a great time to gather with your family.
12. Long walks
During the winter walks aren’t always very enjoyable. Especially when the weather is freezing. But spring comes with warmer days that are perfect for nice and long walks.
13. The farmer’s market
It gets more and more colorful! The stands are full of fresh healthy nutritious food.
14. Picnics
Spring is the perfect time for going out for a picnic with friends.
15. Jogging is more pleasant
It is always better to go for a jog in a sunny day than doing it when it is dark, chilly or snowy.
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16. Gardening
It is the time of the year to grow something beautiful in your garden, or something organic and tasty to nurture your body with.
17. You become motivated
With all the changes that are happening in nature, you become more motivated to change something in yourself, too, in order to become better. You simply become feeling more alive and ready to start something new and exciting. No more winter hibernation.