A phony dog trainer told the worst news a caring dog-lover could ever receive. After giving her dog to a training program, a woman finds out that her pet has passed away.
Rachel Grace Tyrer sent her dog Ollie to the Hunter Nelson’s training program ‘Four Legged Retrievers’.
At first, the dog had to spend only a month there but they ended up holding it for eleven weeks. At the end of those prolonged weeks, Hunter Nelson reached out to the owner only to tell her that her dog was dead.
When the four weeks passed Rachel contacted Nelson to see what is going on with her dog.
She wasn’t happy with the fact that Ollie had to stay longer in the program. She occasionally messaged the trainer to get more information. However, he always seemed to find an excuse for why they can’t meet up so he could give her Ollie back. She couldn’t pay him a surprise visit, because he never gave her an accurate address.
Rachel couldn’t take this anymore.
She told Hunter that she immediately wants Ollie back. Shockingly, the trainer sent her a text that her dog was dead and already buried. According to him, it was bitten by a snake and he couldn’t manage to take care of it in time. He did go to a vet but even though the snake wasn’t poisonous, the wound was too damaging.
Nelson didn’t say anything else. He didn’t even give Rachel the vet’s phone number so she could find out some more details on her dog’s death. She continuously insisted to know how did everything happen. Hunter told Ollie’s owner a name of a vet which turned out to be fake. Besides, the clinic he said he took Ollie didn’t even have a record of a dog by that name or any dog that had recently suffered a snake bite.
Rachel was devastated at first but she thought that this whole story appears too suspicious.
She decided to investigate the situation because she had the feeling that Ollie was not dead but resold. She first tried to get help from the police. Unfortunately, they told her that there’s nothing they could do because the case was civil. Then Rachel went on social media. Her hopes were somebody will have at least a piece of information that could help her solve this case.
What she discovered was horrifying. As it turned out, several other pet owners had the same traumatic experience. Some of them were even told the same lie about the unfortunate snake bite. When Rachel found this out she made the story public by sharing all of the messages from her conversations with Hunter Nelson. Sadly, Rachel never revealed what has happened to her beloved dog Ollie.