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These 8 Disturbing Facts Will Blow Your Mind

You will not be able to forget these eight facts. We go about living our lives, seeing animals, objects, and even our own bodies, without fully realizing that there are many things - many disturbing things - that we do not know about them.…

20 Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind.

Life is full of curiosities and learning weird and wonderful facts about the world we live in is a little hobby of mine. So here are some of my favourite scientifically proven facts that will literally blow your mind and wow any …

12 Interesting Facts About Google

Google has become so much more than just a search engine. Google is probably as close to a modern empire as you can get, alongside companies like Microsoft and Apple. As often as you have used Google, I bet you didn't know at least one of…

8 Amazing Facts About Dreams

Dreams are beautifully mysterious. The average person has between 1,460 and 2,190 dreams a year during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. These dreams can range from 5 minutes to half an hour long, and it is possible to have multiple dreams…

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