Minnesota Homeowners Will Receive Funds In Return For Making Their Lawns Bee-Friendly

The bee population is worryingly decreasing in Minnesota and as a countermeasure, The State Of Minnesota has devised a year-long program to help save them.

The state will give $900,000 for one year to assist homeowners in converting their lawns by planting native grasses, wildflowers, and clover.

More specifically, the program is aimed at helping the rusty-patched bumblebee. The rusty-patched bumblebee is “a fat and fuzzy species on the brink of extinction that seems to be making its final stand in the cities of the Upper Midwest.”, says the Star Tribune.

This initiative will help pay for up to 75% of the costs for converting each lawn into a bee-friendly habitat or if a yard falls into the category of “high potential” it will cover up to 90%.

State Rep. Kelly Morrison, DFL-Deephaven is the person responsible for introducing this new bill. Morrison hopes the program will be available next spring.

“I have gotten a ton of e-mails and so much feedback from people who are interested in this, people are really thinking about how they can help.”, said Morrison.

If you are interested in learning more about this program click here.

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