Written by Amateo Ra|
If you are reading this, you are ready to take control of your mind. Since the beginning of our lives, our minds have been programmed by our surroundings and by the World at large. As we grow, evolve and awaken, we learn we have to take back control of our minds.
What are we taking control back from? Well, in part, the immense amount of cultural, societal educational and institutional programming that has greatly influenced who we are, how we view ourselves and our actions.
You don’t need to be a person who needs to feel imprisoned to sit still and be confined to a desk or a cubicle in order to conform. Your relationships don’t need to model modern day sitcoms. Your daily energy doesn’t need to be directed to mindless drama which is governed to distract us from deeper meaning and connection. We must clear this corruption within ourselves in order to change the World around us.
Distractions are everywhere, pulling at us and programming our minds toward needless points of focus meant to disempower us. To drive us into compulsive consumerism and selfishness, rather than community, connection and the drive for Global change in the small actions we take each day.
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I want you to take back control of your mind, because I believe it’s imperative to your own personal health and well-being, as well as what’s required to step out in service to the World. I am here to serve, and I know you are too.
1) Be Hyper Selective about the Media you Consume
Marketers all across the Globe are tracking your patterns, buying your information and studying your habits in order to funnel you into purchasing products from the companies that hire them.
If you are inclined to cave, and make impulse unhealthy purchases, such as fast food, they are aware of that, even to the exact percentage of likelihood for you to make that impulse buy. They push ads upon us until our willpower gets weak, and they finally get us to cave.
This is one form of mind control being practiced publically every day. It’s manipulative and it was created to be. You have to take back control from these super rich mega-corporations by making strong willed healthy decisions that support your local community.
Media is always having us invest in fabricated stories in the form of movies and tv, to invest energy to made-up characters, rather than give sincere and powerful attention to our own lives.
Be hyper selective about the media you consume, because it could be consuming you. This isn’t shared to make you feel fearful. Rather, for you to embrace how incredibly powerful and valuable your energy, attention and decisions are.
2) Create Healthy Daily Rituals
Daily Rituals are the ultimate mind control hack that exist. Here’s an insight which changed my life.
How you choose to program your day, from morning to night, is up to you. Realize that companies everywhere have massive incentive to infiltrate your daily rituals with their own products and ads. There are countless of supportive and beneficial businesses who want to help you improve your lifestyle, just be selective about who you let in.
Your time, space and actions are sacred, and your daily rituals are your opportunity to value yourself and life. Make positive choices and know, consistency is everything when it comes to taking back control of your mind.
Tip: Create & outline a perfect day from what you do when you get out of bed, how you spend your day and how you end it. Work each day to model your whole life after your perfect day.
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3 ) Exercise & Get In Your Body
Did you know that it’s been scientifically proven that exercise literally makes you smarter?
All forms of exercise improve cognition, help re-build neuro-connectivity in the brain and prevent degeneration of the mind. If you want to practice a form of protest, there is no better one than getting in your body and getting it healthy and fit.
Read: Research Shows that Keeping a Journal is Great for the Mind, Body, and Soul
Our bodies are extensions of our minds & hearts. We must “live in our limbs” as we say. Stagnant energy of the mind builds in the body, and many people begin to slow down. Enter more television, internet surfing, impulsive food habits and mindless entrainment. Don’t go down that path, and if you are on it, stop! It can be extremely challenging, but don’t give up. You got this!
4 ) Learn How to Focus without getting Distracted
Harnessing our ability to focus on one thing is essential to mind control. Our minds love to wander, and in that wandering often times we end up in in places, and internet and social media black holes we never intended.
It’s imperative we learn to harness that energy and apply it to a specific focus. This can be one challenging practice, as cultural and technological programming, including multi-tab web surfing, means we get massive neuro-stimulation, including the release of brain rewarding chemicals, when we multi-task and are scattered.
Take back your power and learn to master the mind. Tony Robbins even said:
5 ) Be Selective About What You Invest in Energetically
I see people everyday blindly investing so much energy into things they don’t prefer. I’m equally as guilty, as it’s just too easy to get hooked on the latest trends, media scandal or even a frustrating person in your life.
Invest your energy very carefully and make sure each day the majority of your attention and energy is geared toward what you want for yourself, your life, your relationships and your surroundings. If you find yourself deeply entangled in having invested yourself energetically in something you don’t prefer, ask yourself what is it trying to teach you and then get clear on the next steps you need to withdraw your investment with care and consideration.
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Don’t be hasty! As hastiness to change certain energetic investments often means we subconsciously get tangled in another investment we don’t prefer.
6 ) The Power of Perspective
Our perspective of the World literally changes the reality we live in.
10 Five-Minute Tricks to a Better Mindset
Circumstances don’t have prescribed responses. You don’t need to base your reaction toward something that happens to you based on how others have responded previously. Taking back control of your mind means the full realization that our responses are our responsibility. We must break the impulsive conditioning that drives us to disempowered perspectives.
With the right perspective, a World of your dreams becomes possible, actual and real.
7 ) Master a Craft
Start learning, pursuing and practicing something that really inspires you. Sociological Studies by Malcolm Gladwell state that we have to do something for an average of 10,000 hours before we master it.
That’s a lot of hours practicing control of our minds and focus. There is nothing better to liberate our minds than to apply and direct them toward something. Our minds like taking commands from our desires, but without that focus, we are highly susceptible to impulsive influence.
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Start creating!
About the author: Amateo Ra is the co-founder of Creator Course, an Online School for Conscious Living which is currently being built. For the last 4-years, he has been training with Global leaders in Spirituality, Channeling & Conscious Business.
Source: Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Other sources:
Psychology Today
Huffington Post