10 Vital things to do to keep the flame in your relationship alive

People who have been in long term relationships know well that the flames can fade.

This is perfectly natural; after all, it isn’t realistic to expect a relationship to provide the same level of excitement as it did in the beginning. Of course, this does not mean that the fun and the flames should die entirely.

Take a look at the following 10 tips on how to keep the romance in your relationship alive.

1. Put your phone away

Being mentally present when you are spending quality time with your significant other can make a world of difference to your relationship. Next time you two are together, put your devices away and truly appreciate each other’s company. By isolating yourselves from the outside world you give yourselves the opportunity to connect to each other on a greater level.

2. Recollect your shared memories

Revisit the memories of the magical times you had together. Let your partner know how much specific events and time spent with them truly meant to you by reminding them. Also, do not fall into the trap of just living in the past. You should work towards creating new precious memories on a regular basis.

3. Try new things together

Break out of your everyday habits by trying something new, whether it be traveling or signing up for a new class together. When we get bogged down by a routine, we can find ourselves feeling numb to many of the reasons we love and appreciate our partner. Diving into new experiences together will not only be fun and exciting but seeing your partner in a completely new environment will allow you to learn things you never knew about them before and remind you of the initial reasons you fell in love with them. And who knows, maybe you’ll even fall in love with them all over again!

4. Strive for passion

Don’t hesitate to give your love a lasting kiss or embrace them properly. Not having much time before work or something of that nature does not mean those few extra seconds cannot make a difference. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how needed and desired this kind of thing can make the most important person in your life feel.

5. Surprise each other

We all love surprises. Little gifts of all kind are appreciated. Flowers, an unexpected date, maybe breakfast in bed. Anything that is representative of special time together and shows your partner you made the effort to go the extra mile to make their day. Furthermore, regular date nights equals time off your everyday life, routine, and problems; it is a time for intimate connection. If you believe yourself to be good at writing, love notes and letters are wonderful ways to express your feelings and show gratitude to your other half.

6. Spice up your sex life

If you feel like your sex life is starting to get repetitive or boring, try to spice things up a little by doing some experimenting. Whether you make some sexy wardrobe changes or explore other sources of pleasure, it is vital to communicate with your love about what may excite both of you.

7. Don’t forget the importance of laughter

Laughing is crucial to a healthy relationship. Your partner should also be your best friend; if you cannot have fun and laugh your heart out with them, then something is seriously not right. In this case, you must make an effort to rediscover your shared sense of humor.

8. Cut down the nagging

We all get worked up and feel like complaining about little things from time to time. But this isn’t always as important as we make it out to be. if you need to make a point, do it but think it over before you say something that might hurt the other. Are you nagging too much, and is the reason you nag actually worth it all?

9. Be honest with each other

You must be honest with each other if you want what you built together to last. If there is something you like, whether it be in or out of the bedroom, let your partner know about it. If you feel like you cannot be honest with him or her, you should ask yourself why.

10. Make a change instead of hoping that your partner will

If you want your significant other to say or do more romantic things, it can feel pushy if you are constantly asking them to give you more. Rather than asking all the time, take a moment to think about how much more you could be giving to your partner. When you are with Mr. or Ms. Right, they’ll take notice and appreciate the extra effort you make and feel inspired to make the extra effort to make you happier. Shower them with affection, and if your love for them is unconditional, prove it!

If everything else fails, recall the behaviors both of you had at start of your relationship. Remember how they looked in your eyes, how you treated them, and how much you wanted to make them happy. If you act like it’s the beginning, maybe an end will never come.

Here is something to inspire you.

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