Ailments from Home: Four ailments and Conditions You Might be Getting from Your Bedroom

Your home is just about the safest place you can be on earth.

It’s no surprise then that most people never look at their homes as a possible source of certain ailments and conditions they might be suffering from.

However, as you are about to find out, this should be the first place to look if you keep getting recurring health issues.

Which ailments could be lurking in your bedroom? Read on to find out.

1. Back Pain

Your bed can be the source of mild to severe back pain.

If your mattress is not sturdy enough to offer adequate support as you sleep, you tend to sleep in an awkward posture. Aside from inadequate sleep, you might get some pain mainly on your neck and back.

While there are many sources of back pain, there is an easy test to help you determine whether your mattress is to blame.

If the first thing you notice when you wake up in back pain, do a few stretches for ten to fifteen minutes.

If this eases the discomfort, your mattress could be the culprit. If it does not ease up, your back pain is probably stemming from other sources, and you should see a doctor.

2. Acne

Acne flare-ups can be traced back to many things, among them certain foods, changing weather patterns and yes- your pillow.

If you cut off processed and dairy foods and are still getting unexplained flair-ups, check your bedroom and specifically your pillow and bedsheets.

When you sleep, you move around, creating friction. This friction rubs off dirt and skin cells from your face, more so if you don’t typically wash your face before bed.

Over time, dirt and oil accumulate on your pillowcase, which can cause breakouts or exacerbate your acne.

One of the benefits of a silk pillowcase is that it’s hypoallergenic. Made of natural fibres, silk is more resistant to dirt, mould and other allergens.

This makes a silk pillowcase perfect for both your skin and hair.

3. Allergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis is the inflammation of mucous membranes of the nose. People with rhinitis suffer stuffiness and a runny nose.

Allergic rhinitis, on the other hand, is caused by the body’s reaction to an environmental trigger.

Some of these triggers can be dust, mould, pollen and animal dander.

If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, check your home as well as the outdoor environment you are in.

Because you spend a significant number of hours in your bedroom, this would be a great place to start.

Check for dust, remove any plants you might have from your bedroom and disallow your pet from sleeping in the same room as you do.

Once this is done, evaluate how you are feeling before making these changes permanent. Look for similar triggers in your office, living room and other places you frequent.

4. Skin Rashes

If you have itchy red marks on your body and do not recall being bitten by insects such as mosquitoes, you might be harbouring mites or bed bugs in your home.

It is not uncommon for these to infest a house. Unfortunately, they can be difficult to eradicate as they tend to hide in warm, dark spaces and often in small cracks.

If you suspect you might have an infestation, do a thorough cleaning of your entire house. Wash all linen and fabric in hot water and air dry it out in the sun if possible.

If this does not work, it’s advisable to call a professional pest control company to manage the problem.

Safeguard Your Health

Remember that you are the best advocate for your health.

At times, this means taking the time to identify and eliminate sources of ailments and eliminating them.

If you do this and the symptoms don’t clear, consult a doctor for specialised treatment.

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