After she got cheated on, a woman decided to travel the world with her dogs

She got cheated on, so she decided to finally pursue her dreams of traveling the world.

Credits: Emily Abrahams

Emily Abrahams, a photographer, is currently on her way to turning her dreams of traveling the world with her dogs into reality. Her driving force became her separation from her ex-husband after she caught him cheating.

As per Elite Readers, Emily had the misfortune to catch her spouse exchanging inappropriate messages with another woman. She explains:

“I had grown suspicious of my then-husband, so I decided to check his phone and found some rather racy messages. We’d only been married for four years – it was devastating. 

Credits: Emily Abrahams

However, instead of crying a river, Emily decided to sell her house and become a citizen of the world, bringing her Border Collie on her exciting adventure.

For a ride, the photography lover chose a comfy van, which she uses to visit as many places as she wants alongside her four-legged friend Loki.

Credits: Emily Abrahams

Emily and Loki have been together throughout many adventures, including watching the Northern Lights in Sweden, hiking a mountain in Slovenia, and gazing at the mesmerizing waterfalls in Austria. The pair has visited about 20 European countries starting from Karlsruhe, Germany.

Credits: Emily Abrahams

Being brutally honest about her former relationship, Emily says:

“Looking back, I’m so grateful I got cheated on. I would have just stayed put being miserable otherwise. After the split I tried to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. I realized I wanted to see the world with my best friend – my dog, Loki. He’s the best travel buddy ever.”

Credits: Emily Abrahams

The Australia-born traveler was also inspired to pursue a career as a pet photographer. What’s more, she added another dog into the pack – a red and white Border Collie named Journey. On her website, the pet lover writes:

“For the past 2 years Loki and I have travelled through Europe in a small van, and I’ve seen and done so much. I’ve learnt to appreciate the small beautiful moments. I’ve taken thousands of photos of Loki from the north of Sweden all the way through to Croatia and more recently added Journey to our adventure, and together all three of us have travelled, explored, and delighted.”

Credits: Emily Abrahams

What do you think of Emily’s adventures? Would you leave your current life behind to follow your dreams? Leave a comment to let us know!

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